
A set of functions for accessing, searching, filtering data nodes in a tree data structure.

View the Project on GitHub linsight/tree-node-utils


A set of functions for accessing, searching, filtering data nodes in a tree data structure.

It works on tree data structures like this:

const tree = [
    text: 'Computer',
    key: 'a',
    children: [
        text: 'Desktop',
        key: 'd',
        text: 'Laptop',
        key: 'l',
        text: 'Mobile',
        key: 'm',
        children: [
            text: 'Smart Phone',
            key: 's',
            text: 'Tablet',
            key: 't',
            children: [
                text: 'Ipad',
                key: 'ip',

And provides the following util functions:

Name Description
hasChildren(node) Returns if the node has children node.
isBranch(node) Returns if the node has children field. This field could be empty;
getNodeByKey(treeNodes, key) Returns the data node having the matching ‘key’ value.
findNodes(treeNodes, predicate) Returns a flat array of nodes that pass the predicate(test) function.
filterNodes(treeNodes, predicate) Filters the tree data structure with the predicate function. i.e. Return a copy of the data tree with unmatching nodes removed.
sortNodes(treeNodes, compareFunction) Sort the treeNodes and children of every data node using the given compare function.
mapNodes(treeNodes, mapFunction) Return a new tree after applying a function to every nodes in the original tree. This function is useful for transforming nodes in a tree.
mapFunction has the signature of mapFunction(currentNode, parentNode) and should return a new node object.
renameChildrenFieldForNodes(treeNodes, newChildrenFieldName) Rename the ‘childrenField’ (e.g. ‘children’) to something else;


  1. treeNodes parameter is deliberately designed to be an array of nodes, instead of a single node, to provide more flexibility. The process a single root node tree, wrap the root node in an array.
  2. predicate is a callback function to test each node, including any children nodes of the tree. Return true to keep the node, false otherwise;
  3. compareFunction is the same function used by Array.sort;

All the callback functions (predicate, compareFunction and mapFunction) will receive the parents as the last parameters, containing the ancestors as an array.


npm install tree-node-utils --save

Usage Example

import TreeNodeUtils from 'tree-node-utils';

const config = {
  childrenField: 'children', // e.g. customise the field for children nodes. e.g. 'subItems', default 'children'
  keyField: 'key', // e.g. customise the field for node key. e.g. 'id', default 'key'

const treeNodeUtils = new TreeNodeUtils(config);

const node = treeNodeUtils.getNodeByKey(treeNodes, 'ip');

Live demo
